Course Overview
Are you finding it challenging to teach relationships and sexuality education (RSE) in today's rapidly evolving world? With young people constantly exposed to online information on these topics, it's understandable that educators may feel unsure or uncomfortable about delivering RSE lessons. In their Report on the Review of Relationships and Sexuality Education in Primary and Post-Primary School, the NCCA reported that for students, the key enabler to a quality experience of RSE is the teacher. Students recognise the importance of a teacher who is comfortable and confident in teaching the subject, has a good relationship with the students, and can facilitate learning in a positive and participative manner. This course aims to provide teachers with the knowledge and tools to help develop their confidence and competence in delivering RSE.
Course Content
- Review of the key information from the Review of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in primary and post-primary schools.
- Participants will learn a variety of strategies to increase confidence delivering RSE and how create safe, relaxed and open classroom environments to facilitate appropriate discussion and learning.
- Explore a range of RSE topics that some teachers may feel uncomfortable delivering (LGBTQI+, Porn, Masturbation, Peer-on-Peer Harmful Sexual Behaviour, Pregnancy and Abortion).
- Explore a range of teaching resources and external supports in these areas.
- Reflect on traditional models of delivery of RSE and their own experiences of being taught RSE and personal perceptions and values.
- Explore parents’ concerns, personal values and how to work effectively and compassionately with parents and other staff.
- A pack of useful planning resources and worksheets.
- How to implement strategies at a whole school level within SSE.